How To Throw The Perfect Office Cocktail Party

Sep 18, 2018

You want to throw a pre-holiday cocktail party at your office but you don’t know where to start? Between tables, chairs, invitations, and themes, it might seem a little overwhelming, especially since you can’t lean on the holiday theme as a crutch.

Luckily, there are still easy ways to throw a great cocktail party outside of the holiday season. Here are some tips to make your job easier.

Why are you throwing the party?

If you’re stuck on a theme, think about the reason you’re throwing the party. If it’s a “just because” kind of party, it’s more difficult to get people involved. However, with fall on the way, you can always give it an autumnal twist. If it’s the celebration of a great quarter, you can always keep it more relaxed and celebration-themed. Try getting ideas from your coworkers by assessing your company’s recent accomplishments.

Think about the setting

If you want to make it a fancy affair, you should probably take it out of the office. However, not every company has the budget to pay for all those employee meals. Luckily, a complete event rental will give you all the tools you need to take your party out of the office.

With a party rental company, you’ll be able to choose a beautiful tent rental at a nearby location. Decorate the space with linen fabrics to suit your theme and pair off each cocktail table with beautiful bar stool rentals. Even though cocktail parties are notorious as standing events, small and large scale events alike are a key factor for your guests. Your bar stool rentals will encourage your coworkers to sit or stand at a height that keeps everyone engaged. Just don’t forget the accessories for tents when you contact your local party event rentals.

Actually send out invitations

Even though email is the primary way coworkers talk to each other, nothing makes an event seem more special than if it comes with an actual paper invitation. This not only makes the employee feel special, it’s a physical reminder that the event is happening in the first place. It’s easy to forget an email, but not so easy when you hang the invitation on your fridge or look at it on your desk every day.

Hire entertainment

Employees will have a great time chatting with each other, but every party should have a main event. Whether you opt for a magician, a band, or a comic, this will provide an inherent structure to your party and make the event run more smoothly.

When you want to plan the perfect office cocktail party complete with the perfect bar stool rentals, contact Allied Party Rentals today. Not only do we have the best in party rental equipment, we offer the best customer service to make your event run without a hitch.